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Sofas with bed

Living rooms with bed

Thanks to the affability of our interior designers, you will be able to see beautiful and resistant compositions that are perfect for you, not to mention those with sofa beds. We have always worked to create furnishing compositions with sofas designed for everyone's needs, even space-saving and customizable. With the aim of giving you the opportunity to recreate an atmosphere that fully satisfies you in the available rooms, we have a wide range of trendy materials. Guided by our furniture store managers, you can solve style and space issues by choosing furnishing compositions designed specifically for you. In order to organize living spaces in the best possible way, especially if they involve limited spaces, it is always better to choose furniture based on the shape and size of the rooms.


To make an appointment in the showroom in Milan or simply to ask for information about our furnishing products and services.

opening hours 9.30-13.00 - 15.00-19.00
from Tuesday to Saturday