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Caruso wallpaper by Wall&Decò


The Caruso 70s vinyl wallpaper by Wall&Decò awaits you: you can personalize the walls of your home

Practicality and style are among the ingredients that, with a certain flair, characterize Wall&Decò's 70s vinyl wallpaper line. In addition to enhancing the home decor, the right type of wallpaper will infuse energy and serenity into the environment depending on the subject matter. The Caruso wallpaper by Wall&Decò will allow you to perfectly enhance your home, thanks also to being made in various premium materials. Discover in our showroom the most beautiful proposals from the renowned brand and you will be able to experience firsthand their unique features and quality. The well-known brand offers high-quality furniture with which you can stylishly personalize one of the living spaces where you spend part of your time.

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opening hours 9.30-13.00 - 15.00-19.00
from Tuesday to Saturday